Edinburgh Cancer Teen “Kira The Machine”

Cancer Teen Kira The Machine

The 19-year-old “cancer warrior” Kira Noble has achieved remission following months of chemo-immunotherapy.

Kira began the innovative treatment for Neuroblastoma in January, along with physical therapy.

This Edinburgh teenager, who is battling a rare form of cancer, is now living her life to the fullest.

She has also advocated for more compassionate treatment options for children coping with the illness.

Let’s discuss more about her illness in detail:

What is Neuroblastoma?

What is Neuroblastoma?Neuroblastoma, a type of cancer that develops from immature nerve cells called neuroblasts.

It is most commonly found in infants and young children, although it can occasionally occur in older children and adults.

Neuroblastoma is a rare cancer, accounting for about 6% of all cancers in children.

It is typically originates in the adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys and produce important hormones.

However, it can also develop in other parts of the body where nerve tissue is present, such as the neck, chest, or spine.

The cause of Neuroblastoma is not well understood. While there are a few rare instances of multiple children within the same family being affected, it is generally not considered a hereditary condition.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Neuroblastoma

symptoms of neuroblastoma

Symptoms of neuroblastoma can result from the tumor pressing on nearby tissues as it grows or the cancer spreading to the bone. While these symptoms may be caused by neuroblastoma, they could also indicate other conditions.

Consult your child’s doctor if your child experiences any of the following:

  1. A lump in the abdomen, neck, or chest.
  2. Bone pain.
  3. Swollen stomach and difficulty breathing (in infants).
  4. Protruding eyes.
  5. Dark circles around the eyes (“black eyes”).
  6. Painless, bluish lumps under the skin (in infants).
  7. Weakness or paralysis (inability to move a body part).

Less frequent signs and symptoms of neuroblastoma include:

  1. Fever.
  2. Shortness of breath.
  3. Fatigue.
  4. Easy bruising or bleeding.
  5. Petechiae (flat, pinpoint spots under the skin due to bleeding).
  6. High blood pressure.
  7. Severe watery diarrhea.
  8. Horner syndrome (droopy eyelid, smaller pupil, and reduced sweating on one side of the face).
  9. Jerky muscle movements.
  10. Uncontrolled eye movements.

How to Diagnose Neuroblastoma?

Diagnosis of Neuroblastoma

If your child is suspected to have neuroblastoma, several tests may be performed to confirm the diagnosis. These tests may include:

  1. Urine test: To check for specific chemicals produced by neuroblastoma cells that are found in urine.
  2. Scans: Ultrasound, CT, and MRI scans of various body parts may be performed to examine these areas in detail.
  3. MIBG scan: This test involves injecting a substance that is absorbed by neuroblastoma cells.
  4. Biopsy: A sample of tumor tissue is removed and examined under a microscope to identify the type of cancer. The sample is typically removed under general anesthesia using a special needle.
  5. Bone marrow biopsies: To check for the presence of cancer cells in the bone marrow.

After these tests are completed, a diagnosis of neuroblastoma can usually be confirmed, and the stage of the cancer can be determined.

Stages of Neuroblastoma

For neuroblastoma, the stage affects the classification of the cancer as low risk, intermediate risk, or high risk, which in turn influences the treatment plan. 

The staging system includes:

  • Stage L1: The cancer is localized to one area, has not spread, and can be surgically removed.
  • Stage L2: The cancer is localized to one area and has not spread, but cannot be safely removed through surgery.
  • Stage M: The cancer has metastasized to other parts of the body.
  • Stage Ms: The cancer has spread to the skin, liver, or bone marrow in children under 18 months of age.

Determining the stage of your child’s neuroblastoma helps doctors decide on the most appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment and Prognosis

Treatment of Neuroblastoma

In some cases, babies and infants under 18 months old with stage L1 or Ms neuroblastoma and no symptoms may not require treatment, as cancer can occasionally resolve on its own.

Main treatments for neuroblastoma include:

  1. Surgery to remove the cancer – this may sometimes be the only required treatment.
  2. Chemotherapy – this can either be the sole treatment or used to shrink the cancer before surgery.
  3. Radiotherapy – this may be used post-surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells in the affected area.
  4. High-dose chemotherapy followed by a stem cell transplant – your child’s stem cells are collected, frozen, and stored before intensive chemotherapy, and then reintroduced afterward.
  5. Immunotherapy – a medication that directly targets neuroblastoma cells, although not yet routinely used.

Dinutuximab beta

It is a new medication that can be employed when neuroblastoma is likely to recur after conventional treatment.

It is available on the NHS for children who have partially or fully responded to high-dose chemotherapy followed by a stem cell transplant and have not already received immunotherapy.

Your child’s doctor can determine if dinutuximab beta is a suitable treatment option.

This medication targets and kills cancer cells and is administered through an infusion pump into a vein. A treatment course lasts 35 days, during which your child may need to stay in the hospital.

Dinutuximab beta can cause nerve pain, particularly at the beginning of the course. Consequently, it is administered in combination with a strong painkiller like morphine, which may make your child drowsy.


The prognosis for neuroblastoma varies significantly, with younger children and those whose cancer has not spread generally having a better outlook. Your child’s doctors can provide more specific information.

Nearly half of all neuroblastomas are a type that can recur despite intensive treatment, often necessitating further therapy.

Clinical Trials 

Upon your child’s neuroblastoma diagnosis, you may be invited to participate in a clinical trial. Clinical trials aim to evaluate the effectiveness of various treatments.

If you are interested, consult your child’s doctors about any trials they may be eligible to join. Additionally, you can search the database of clinical trials for neuroblastoma to learn about ongoing research in your area.

The WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) website provides access to clinical trials in countries all around the world.

Battle of Teen ‘Cancer Warrior’ Kira Noble

Battle of Kira against Cancer

Kira Noble was diagnosed with aggressive Neuroblastoma at age 11, and has undergone several years of grueling cancer treatments while spending extended periods in the hospital.

Despite battling her 6th relapse after 20 rounds of Chemotherapy, Kira now leads a more normal teenage life, thanks to the wonder drug Lorlatinib. Known as “Kira the Machine” for her resilience, she was informed in 2019 that her illness was incurable but treatable.

Kira’s family reports significant improvements since she began taking the experimental drug two and a half years ago when it was still undergoing clinical trials.

After recovering from Covid-19, Kira’s mother expressed her joy at seeing her daughter regain control of her life, following years of harsh treatments.

Kira, a passionate advocate for childhood cancer research, emphasizes the importance of better, kinder treatments for children with cancer.

Currently working in retail at St James Quarter, Kira enjoys spending time with friends and is interested in health and beauty.

She deferred her university admission to next year saying “I also had a University placement to study Paediatric Nursing on the horizon but had to pend that whilst I underwent my chemoimmunotherapy treatment. I will reapply when the time is right and when my health is back on par.”

Kira’s mother highlighted the need for gentler treatments for children, as Kira underwent 20 rounds of chemotherapy over 4 years, causing significant harm to her developing body.

She described the difference in her daughter’s quality of life while on Lorlatinib as incredible. 

Kira is spending a normal life after a long treatment

In a social media post, her mother added: “We are so grateful that the effect of chemo-immunotherapy eradicated cancer but we remain mindful of how pernicious this deceitful disease is.

“Kira will remain on her ALK inhibitor, Lorlatinib, in the hope that it maintains her disease for a longer period of time.

“Hoping, praying, and envisioning positive outcomes for this treatment.”


On Key

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Non-Invasive Treatment of Liver Tumors: The Revolutionary Role of Histotripsy

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Immunological Effects Of Histotripsy for Cancer Therapy

Histotripsy, a groundbreaking non-invasive ultrasonic technique, is rapidly gaining traction in the realm of cancer therapy. By harnessing the power of cavitation, histotripsy meticulously ablates targeted tissues, positioning itself as a potential successor to traditional cancer treatments. This comprehensive article seeks to unravel the intricate immunological responses instigated by histotripsy and its profound implications for cancer therapy. What is the immunological response of Histotripsy? At its core, histotripsy ablation is driven by a phenomenon known as cavitation. This intricate process involves the meticulous generation of microbubbles within the targeted tissues, culminating in their systematic breakdown. As these tissues undergo ablation, cells are fragmented into subcellular components and acellular debris. The immunological aftermath of histotripsy, irrespective of its variant – mHIFU, BH, or CCH, remains consistent, primarily due to the analogous effects they exert on the targeted tissues. While potential nuances between these sub-therapies exist, current research has yet to pinpoint significant disparities in their immunologic outcomes. How does Histotripsy decrease pro-tumor immune cells? The tumor microenvironment is a complex ecosystem comprising various cell types, signaling molecules, and extracellular matrix components. Within this intricate network, certain immune cells, often termed as pro-tumor immune cells, play a pivotal role in promoting tumor growth and metastasis. These cells, which include tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), and regulatory T cells (Tregs), actively suppress anti-tumor immune responses, thereby facilitating tumor progression. a. Tumor-Associated Macrophages (TAMs): TAMs are a subset of macrophages that are recruited to the tumor site and are educated by the tumor microenvironment to adopt a pro-tumor phenotype. These cells can promote tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis while suppressing anti-tumor immune responses. Histotripsy’s ability to target and modulate TAMs is of significant interest. By disrupting the tumor microenvironment, histotripsy can potentially reprogram TAMs from a pro-tumor M2 phenotype to an anti-tumor M1 phenotype, thereby reversing their tumor-promoting effects. b. Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSCs): MDSCs are a heterogeneous group of immature myeloid cells that expand during cancer, inflammation, and infection. In the context of cancer, MDSCs play a crucial role in suppressing T cell responses and promoting tumor growth. Preliminary studies suggest that histotripsy may reduce the number and suppressive function of MDSCs in the tumor microenvironment, thereby enhancing anti-tumor immunity. c. Regulatory T cells (Tregs): Tregs are a subset of CD4+ T cells that play a critical role in maintaining immune homeostasis by suppressing excessive immune responses. However, in the tumor microenvironment, Tregs can inhibit anti-tumor immune responses, thereby facilitating tumor growth. The impact of histotripsy on Tregs is an area of active research. By disrupting the tumor microenvironment and releasing tumor antigens, histotripsy may modulate the function and recruitment of Tregs, potentially enhancing anti-tumor immunity. d. The Interplay with Other Immune Cells: Apart from the aforementioned pro-tumor immune cells, the tumor microenvironment also contains other immune cells like dendritic cells, natural killer cells, and B cells. The interplay between these cells and pro-tumor immune cells is complex and multifaceted. Histotripsy’s ability to modulate this intricate network holds immense therapeutic potential. For instance, by targeting pro-tumor immune cells, histotripsy may enhance the antigen-presenting function of dendritic cells, leading to a more robust activation of T cells and a potent anti-tumor immune response. The tumor microenvironment is a dynamic and complex landscape where various immune cells interact and influence tumor progression. Histotripsy, with its unique mechanism of action, holds the potential to modulate this environment, targeting pro-tumor immune cells, and enhancing anti-tumor immunity. As research in this area continues to evolve, a deeper understanding of histotripsy’s impact on the tumor microenvironment will pave the way for more effective and targeted cancer therapies. What is the role of Damage Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs)? Damage Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) are a group of intracellular molecules that have garnered significant attention in the realm of immunology and cellular biology. These molecules, under normal circumstances, reside within the confines of the cell and perform essential functions. However, when cells undergo stress, trauma, or damage, DAMPs are released into the extracellular environment, where they assume a new and critical role. One of the primary functions of DAMPs upon their release is to signal the immune system of potential threats. They act as distress signals, alerting the body to the presence of damaged or dying cells. This is particularly evident in procedures like histotripsy, a non-invasive technique that mechanically disrupts tissue structures. During histotripsy, the cellular damage leads to the liberation of various DAMPs, each with its unique role in the ensuing immune response. For instance, Calreticulin (CRT) is not just a mere bystander in this process. When released, CRT moves to the cell surface, where it aids in antigen presentation. This action effectively marks the damaged cells for elimination, kickstarting an adaptive immune response tailored to address the specific threat.  High Mobility Group  is another pivotal DAMP. As a nuclear protein, its primary role within the cell is to stabilize DNA structures. However, once outside, HMGB1 becomes a potent pro-inflammatory agent. It binds to receptors on immune cells, amplifying the inflammatory response, which is crucial in situations where rapid immune action is needed. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), commonly recognized as the primary energy currency of the cell, also plays a role in this immune signaling process. When found outside the cell, ATP acts as a danger signal. Immune cells, recognizing the abnormal presence of extracellular ATP, are prompted to migrate to the site of injury, further intensifying the immune response. Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) complete the ensemble of key DAMPs released during histotripsy. These proteins, typically produced in response to cellular stress, have a dual role. Inside the cell, they ensure the proper folding of proteins. However, when released, HSPs actively stimulate the immune system, further emphasizing their importance in the body’s defense mechanisms. The intricate connection between DAMPs and the immune response holds profound implications, especially in the field of oncology. Tumors, by their very nature, suppress the immune system, allowing them to grow unchecked. However, the inflammation induced by DAMPs can be harnessed and directed

Histotripsy: A Revolution in Precise Tissue Ablation

Histotripsy has emerged as a beacon of innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of medical technology. It  promises a future where precise tissue ablation can be achieved without the invasiveness of traditional surgical methods. But what makes histotripsy stand out? The answer lies in its unique mechanism of action, which harnesses the power of ultrasound to mechanically disrupt tissue structures. This article delves deep into the mechanism of histotripsy and how it paves the way for precise tissue ablation, especially in the realm of cancer treatment. What is Histotripsy? Histotripsy, a groundbreaking medical technique, is rapidly gaining traction in the healthcare sector due to its potential to revolutionise tissue ablation procedures. The term “histotripsy” is derived from the Greek words “histo,” meaning tissue, and “tripsy,” meaning to break. Histotripsy is a non-invasive approach to tissue disruption, and its unique mechanism of action  sets it apart from any other innovations. . The concept of histotripsy was first introduced at the University of Michigan in 2004. Since its inception, the technique has undergone significant advancements, with researchers continually exploring its potential applications and refining its methodology. The term itself encapsulates the essence of the procedure: a method to break down soft tissue. How does Histotripsy work? The Fundamental Mechanism: Cavitation  Cavitation, a phenomenon central to histotripsy, refers to the formation, growth, and subsequent collapse of gas or vapour-filled bubbles within a liquid medium when subjected to rapid pressure changes. In the context of histotripsy, the human body’s tissue serves as this liquid medium, and high-intensity, short-duration ultrasound pulses induce the rapid pressure changes. When tissues are exposed to these potent ultrasound pulses, the alternating high and low pressures lead to the creation of minuscule bubbles or cavities. These bubbles might initially form around pre-existing gas pockets or microscopic impurities within the tissue. As the ultrasound pulses persist, these bubbles expand due to the negative pressure phases of the ultrasound wave. Bubble Dynamics: The Heart of Tissue Disruption  The true essence of histotripsy is realised during the bubble collapse phase. Following the negative phase, the positive pressure phase of the ultrasound wave causes the expanded bubbles to undergo a swift and violent implosion. This rapid collapse generates potent local shock waves and produces high-velocity liquid jets. These intense mechanical forces, stemming from both the shock waves and the jets, act upon the surrounding tissue. The outcome is a mechanical breakdown of the tissue at a cellular level, resulting in the tissue being fractionated into a liquefied form. This liquid consists of a homogenised blend of cell debris and the extracellular matrix. How does Histotripsy achieve precision in action? In the realm of medical interventions, precision is paramount. The ability to target specific tissues or cells without affecting the surrounding structures can be the difference between successful treatment and unintended complications. Histotripsy, with its groundbreaking approach to tissue ablation, exemplifies this principle of precision in action. Let’s delve deeper into how histotripsy achieves such unparalleled accuracy. Histotripsy employs high-intensity ultrasound pulses to induce cavitation within the targeted tissue. The beauty of this technique lies in the ability to focus these ultrasound beams to a specific point, known as the focal zone. Within this focal zone, the energy of the ultrasound waves is concentrated, ensuring that the cavitation-induced tissue disruption occurs primarily within this localised area. This means that only the tissue within the focal zone is affected, while the surrounding structures remain untouched. One of the standout features that bolster histotripsy’s precision is the integration of real-time imaging. As the ultrasound waves are administered, they not only induce cavitation but also provide a live visual feed of the treatment area. This dual capability allows clinicians to monitor the formation and collapse of bubbles in real-time. Such immediate feedback ensures that the treatment is progressing as intended and allows for on-the-fly adjustments. If, for instance, the bubbles are not forming in the desired location or pattern, the clinician can instantly modify the parameters to achieve the desired effect. The precision of histotripsy can be likened to the accuracy of a surgeon’s scalpel, but without the invasiveness of a blade. The controlled generation and collapse of microbubbles ensure that only the targeted cells or tissues are disrupted. This selectivity is especially crucial when treating tumours or lesions located close to vital organs or critical structures. For example, when targeting a tumour adjacent to a major blood vessel, the precision of histotripsy ensures that the vessel remains unharmed, reducing the risk of bleeding or other complications. In many medical treatments, especially those involving radiation or surgery, there’s always a concern about collateral damage to healthy tissues. Histotripsy’s precision minimises this risk. By confining the tissue disruption to the focal zone, histotripsy ensures that the surrounding healthy tissues are spared. This not only enhances the safety profile of the treatment but also promotes faster healing and recovery. What sets Histotripsy apart from other cancer treatments? Histotripsy’s distinctive non-thermal approach to tissue ablation offers a fresh perspective in the realm of medical interventions. While many therapeutic ultrasound techniques, such as High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), rely on generating heat to achieve therapeutic effects, histotripsy stands apart. Traditional methods work by raising the temperature of the targeted tissue to a point where cellular proteins denature, leading to cell death. Although effective, this thermal approach has inherent risks. Elevated temperatures can inadvertently damage surrounding healthy tissues, especially if the heat spreads beyond the targeted area. Moreover, tissues sensitive to heat, like neural tissues, can be at risk of unintended damage. In contrast, histotripsy operates on a fundamentally different principle. Instead of using heat, it employs mechanical forces to achieve tissue disruption. This is achieved through the controlled generation and violent collapse of microbubbles within the tissue, a process known as cavitation. The implosive collapse of these bubbles generates intense local shock waves and produces high-speed liquid jets. These forces act on the tissue, leading to mechanical breakdown at the cellular level without the need for heat. The non-thermal nature of histotripsy offers